Villasukissa vastassa meitä onnellinen ja väsynyt Outi. Mum`s on muuttanut meijeriin. "Nyt Mum`silla on koti, ennen sillä oli vain kesämökki." Ei kukaan muu voi hymyillä nukkuessaan, niin kuin taiteilijaäiti, joka ei kanna vastuuta vaan ihmisestä, vaan myös maailmasta, designista tinkimättä. Suunnittelijoina muun muassa Anu Penttinen, Susanna Vento, Haldane Martin, Heath Nash ja Outi Puro.
"Other people`s rubbish" lamppusarja on mieletön taidonnäyte siitä, miten me ihmiset roskaamme. Se on kaunis kannanotto siihen, että joskus voisi enempi ajatella myös muita, eikä vaan itseään. Varjellen sitä, mitä meillä vielä on.
Mums`in emo Outi ja "Other people`s" rubbish lamppusarjan Heath Nash hengailee Kiasmassa torstaina 9.6. 16.30-18. Siellä on paja, johon sinäkin voit osallistua. Paja kutsuu kaupunkilaisia tekemään kukkavarjostimia, jotka päätyvät valmistuttuaan keikkumaan Turun Suomen kulttuuripääkaupungin 2011 Teatterisillalle. Meijeri mums on avoinna sunnuntaisin 12-16 ja sopimuksen mukaan. Design-turku retkillä kannattaa eksyä sinne!
Vilkkimäen Meijeri, Vilkkimäentie 1 21420 Lieto.
Outi meets us at the door in her wool socks, tired but happy. Mum's has moved into an old dairy building. "Now Mum's has a home, before it only had a summer cottage", she says.
Nobody can smile in their sleep like an artist mother, who feels she has a responsibility not only for people, but for the world, while still caring about design. Mum's carries products designed by Anu Penttinen, Susanna Vento, Haldane Martin, Heath Nash and Outi Puro, among others.
The lighting range 'Other people's rubbish' is an incredible proof of how much trash we produce. It is a beautiful statement that says we could spend more time thinking about others and not just ourselves. That we should protect what we still have.
Outi, the mama of Mum's, and Heath Nash, the designer of 'Other people's rubbish' will be hanging out at Kiasma on Thursday June 9, between 4.30 and 6 pm. They will have a workshop that even you can participate in. Those taking part will be making flowery lamp shades, that will end up hanging on the theater bridge in Turku, the Finnish Capital of Culture 2011.
Mum's at the dairy is open on Sundays from 12 to 4 pm (or at separately arranged times). When you go to Turku on design trips you should definitely visit Mum's!
Address: Vilkkimäki dairy, Vilkkimäentie 1, 21420 Lieto
Nobody can smile in their sleep like an artist mother, who feels she has a responsibility not only for people, but for the world, while still caring about design. Mum's carries products designed by Anu Penttinen, Susanna Vento, Haldane Martin, Heath Nash and Outi Puro, among others.
The lighting range 'Other people's rubbish' is an incredible proof of how much trash we produce. It is a beautiful statement that says we could spend more time thinking about others and not just ourselves. That we should protect what we still have.
Outi, the mama of Mum's, and Heath Nash, the designer of 'Other people's rubbish' will be hanging out at Kiasma on Thursday June 9, between 4.30 and 6 pm. They will have a workshop that even you can participate in. Those taking part will be making flowery lamp shades, that will end up hanging on the theater bridge in Turku, the Finnish Capital of Culture 2011.
Mum's at the dairy is open on Sundays from 12 to 4 pm (or at separately arranged times). When you go to Turku on design trips you should definitely visit Mum's!
Address: Vilkkimäki dairy, Vilkkimäentie 1, 21420 Lieto
(translation: Merja Barry)
-r ja m-
-r ja m-
Maitotonkkien keskeltä terveisiä, että Flowerdrops-pajat Kiasmassa Hkissa 9.6. kello 15-17.30. Perjantaista sunnuntaihin jatketaan Turun Aboa Vetus ArsNova-museossa. Paja-ajat löytyvät
VastaaPoistatäältä Heath ja Outi joka päivä paikalla. Tule, come!
You are warmly welcomed to join workshop in Turku as well. Please see the times here Come, tule!