...ei ollenkaan. Olin juhlissa taidekoululla. Päädyin kaitsemaan lapsiamme pihalle. Törmäsin taiteilijaan; Toivo Toivottomaan. Hulluttelimme vähän. Lapsuuden keittiössäni oli kaksi arkkupakastinta. Kummankaan päällä ei saanut istua. Silti istuin, lempparipaikallani. Usein suomalaisissa kodeissa arkkupakastimet piilotetaan kodinhoitohuoneisiin, tällaista ei voi piilottaa. Se kuuluu kunniapaikalle. Vaikka siinä ei saisi, silti sen päällä istutaan. Vanhaa ei tarvitse suojella, vaan sen kanssa eletään. Se on niin parasta tässä ja nyt.
I was at a party for an art school, when I slipped outside with my kids and met an artist, Toivo Tonta (Hope Less). We had a little bit of fun.
In my childhood we had two chest freezers in the kitchen. It was a no-no to sit on the freezers. I sat on them anyway, it was my favorite spot. Oftentimes in Finnish homes the chest freezers are hidden away in utility rooms, but you cannot hide one like this. It deserves to be on display, to have its own place of honor. Even if you shouldn't sit on it, you kind of have to. It is old, but you don't have to protect it, you live with it. That is the way it should be. (translation: Merja Barry)
In my childhood we had two chest freezers in the kitchen. It was a no-no to sit on the freezers. I sat on them anyway, it was my favorite spot. Oftentimes in Finnish homes the chest freezers are hidden away in utility rooms, but you cannot hide one like this. It deserves to be on display, to have its own place of honor. Even if you shouldn't sit on it, you kind of have to. It is old, but you don't have to protect it, you live with it. That is the way it should be. (translation: Merja Barry)
Aivan sairaan hieno! IIks, taisin ihastua! ;-)
VastaaPoistaKiitos taas näistä ihanuuksista, joita "kylvätte".
What happen with the online shop?
VastaaPoistansm: What shop are you talking about?
VastaaPoistaI dont know,I remember you have a option shop and have a tapeworms cushion covers ,or i´m wrong?
VastaaPoistaperhaps confused me.but I don´t think so.
nsm: tapeworms?? Do you mean my personal shop http://weekdaycarnival.bigcartel.com/ ?
my english it´s very bad sorry.